~ Currently accepting self-transportation reservations ONLY ~

Collector at Heart

It all began with a dream. Actually, that’s not the complete truth. It really began with love at first sight (as all the best stories do). I coaxed my cute mom (bless her) to attend an early morning estate sale with me in the Avenues of downtown SLC. It was there that I set eyes on the most beautiful piece of furniture I had ever seen – an 1800’s Victorian rosewood settee in electrifying cobalt blue - with 82 glorious tufts. Be still my beating heart, that was it for me. Without a second thought, I spent almost every dime I had to purchase this collector’s item (poor college student, mind you). Upon loading up and starting the drive home, my mom looked at me and asked, “So… what do you plan to do with it?”.

And a dream began.

About Us

As it was with love at first sight with furniture - so it began when I met my sweetheart. After a few years of dating, I said "Heck, yes" to a gal's dream question (and my dream guy), and we eloped a few months later. I say ‘eloped’ because we didn’t have a traditional wedding like you see in the movies. In fact, we didn’t have a public ceremony/reception at all (I know, who does that right?)! Rather, we had an intimate temple sealing inviting just our families and closest friends – it truly was the most perfect day for us.

Going this route, however, my hubby & I missed out on the intricate details of wedding planning: centerpiece décor & floral installations, heavenly lounge areas & seating arrangements, sign in tables and gift tables, yummy dessert displays with sweets and treats, ‘THE’ cake table (and cake in the face), and all the beautiful chaos that planning the ‘BIG DAY’ ensues. Ultimately, I suppose a part of me lives vicariously through my client’s beautiful lives and the wonderful parties they host using our rentals – and I absolutely love it! It’s become a passion (& obsession) to make wedding and event décor dreams come true.

Forever our Goal: Beauty Is Meant to be Shared

From the beginning, our dream has been to create a collection of beauty that we can share with others. Not only do we strive to create an external tangible collection of beauty through our rental inventory, but we also strive to grow and share our internal beauty through talents, love, passion, character, and...*drum roll*... sparkle.

This will forever be the goal of Utah Vintage Rentals: to share our beauty, and hope that others do the same.